Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We are officially screwed. Thats it. We, as a nation, have completely removed God from our political views, and do not give me that bull about church and state needing to be seperate. God is, pardon me, was our lifeline through the world's troubles, not just as a people, but as a nation. I say was because we just threw it away. We as a country just threw away our only life preserver in these stormy seas.
This is it, the end of the world. It didn't end with Obama being elected president. No. It came when we turned our back to God. The framers themselves were of many different faiths, but they wholeheartedly and firmly believed in a higher authority. Those great men believed in God! They framed a great nation, building up from that fundamental belief, the cornerstone of God. But hey, we're smarter than a 200 plus year old doccument, right? we're more evolved than the Ben Franklins, the Thomas Jeffersons, the James Madisons, the Paul Reveres, the George Washingtons, right? Plain and simple, we are not! We are a moraly degraded society, who has turned our back to God as a nation.
This eleciton is simply a reflection of what has gone wrong in this nation. "The natural man is an enemy to God," and what does the natural man want? to be taken care of, to have everything provided for them by someone else. The natural man believes wholeheartedly in socialism, in communism, in "spreading the wealth around." Barack Obama is who America wants as president, and that is, put simply, pathetic. We are a nation built on God, and we have chosen an enemy to that God, and as a nation, we deserve the wrath of God because of that choice. Plain and simple. Unless we change, and REPENT of our evil, and yes they are evil, ways, we will pay. This land upon which we live is a blessed land for those who follow and obey God, but as soon as the people inhabiting the land, us, turn their back to their Creator, the land is cursed.
Ladies and gentilemen, we are living on cursed soil as consequence for turning away God at every turn. Heck, listen to our music, look at the way we dress, listen to how our children speak! We are no longer a nation "under God," and we will, I testify, we will pay, unless we change our course. And we have to do it now! Not tomorrow, and not by someone else; It has to be you and me, and it has to be now. So, turn to God. Read the Bible, read the Book of Mormon; find God again. And it cannot work from the top down, not by some large power that will make you. You have to make the concious change within yourself, and others will follow.
Please. For the first time in my life, i wept for this nation, and yes I'm only sixteen, but i know there is a God, and i bear witness of him, and pray for the strength to continue in this depraved society. GOD BLESS AMERICA is my plea, because we sure need it right now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

no kidding. but hey, the world's gotta end sometime right?
In all sincerity though, the people of our great nation need to do some serious thinking about what the long-term consequences are of their actions now.
In the meantime, there are a million and one reasons to be happy now!