Saturday, January 24, 2009

At the end of a day, I sit content. It's been a good day, full of physical exertion, thought, self evaluation, and endurance. I love days like today. They're the kind where you can lie in bed and think back and say "I've left no stone unturned." The rain was especially nice today, and I look forward to tomorrow and being able to look out west and being able to see the mountains. I'm excited for that. Today, I throttled today, I made it count! Two basketball games, two big Vs on our record, a baseline for my mile time to improve on, an hour and a half of basketball practice, and I feel dead tired. I earned that right, and as I sit at my computer, i can safely say "I seized the day, and throttled it!" This is how I want to live my life, going forward with faith, leaving behind absolutely no regrets.


Derek said...

Not a bad way to live :)

W said...

:) post more! and ive decided that you need to take me that crazy way home again sometime, i never knew midvale was so exciting! hope your weekend is an amazing one, and ill see ya at XC